
Which Diamondbacks players have recorded .300+ AVG in a season? MLB Immaculate Grid Answers August 1

Each day, fans can look forward to a new installment of the Immaculate Grid. The baseball trivia game has become renowned for putting baseball fans' knowledge to the test.

The 3 x 3 Immaculate Grid comes with three clues along the y-axis and three clues along the x-axis. It is up to players to populate the nine squares with names of relevant MLB players.

Among other things, the August 19 edition of Immaculate Grid asked users to name Arizona Diamondbacks players who have hit at least .300 in a season. While several in the organization's history have obtained that feat, today we will be focusing on some significant names.

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Which Arizona Diamondbacks players who hit .300 in a season? MLB Immaculate Grid August 19

Since coming into existence in 1998, the Arizona Diamondbacks have never had a player hit .300 over the course of their entire time with the organization. The player to come closest to the milestone was left-fielder Luis Gonzalez.

After joining the D-Backs from the Detroit Tigers in 1999, Gonzalez's career took off. Over the course of his seven years in the desert, Gonzalez hit over .300 in four seasons, making five All-Star teams and winning a Silver Slugger.

However, on account of a .265 average in his last two years with the club, his career average with the franchise is .298, still the highest in franchise history.

"It was announced tonight that Luis Gonzalez and Randy Johnson will be the first players inducted into the Diamondbacks Hall of Fame in 2024" - Talkin' Baseball

2022 NL MVP and current St. Louis Cardinals player Paul Goldschmidt is another eligible player. In his breakout season of 2013, the 6-foot-3 first baseman led the league in home runs and RBIs, with 36 and 125 respectively, while also maintaining a .302 average. Also a former NL walks leader, Goldschmidt's best hitting year came in 2015, when he hit .321.

Current Arizona Diamondbacks second baseman Ketel Marte is also part of the franchise's .300 club. A streaky hitter to be sure, the Dominican posted a .287 average in the shortened 2020 season after hitting .329 a year prior. In 2022, his average fell to .240, a .078 decrease from 2021.

"Ketel Marte - Arizona Diamondbacks (19)" - MLB HR Videos

AJ Pollock rounds out our Grid list. Pollock, who now plays for the San Francisco Giants, hit .302 in 2014, followed by a .315 performance in 2015, which was enough to earn him the first All-Star nod of his career in a Gold Glove season.

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