
Big Brother Recap 08/06/23: Season 25 Episode 2 HOH and Nominations

Big Brother Recap 08/06/23: Season 25 Episode 2 "HOH and Nominations"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Wednesday, August 6, 2023, season 25 episode 2 and we have your Big Brother recap below! In tonight’s Big Brother season 25 episode 2 called, “HOH and Nominations” as per the CBS synopsis, “The head of household nominates two fellow houseguests for possible eviction.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Tonight’s Big Brother episode begins with the houseguests entering the house after the competitions on premiere night and Cirie from Survivor is there to everyone’s surprise. Cirie tells the houseguests that she is number seventeen. In the diary room, Cirie reveals that her son Jared is on the show as well and they are not planning on telling anyone.

Izzy recognizes Cirie and she also knows that Jared is her son. The other houseguests don’t know that Cirie and Jared are related. Jared can’t believe his luck, he hopes Izzy doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t want to paint a target on his back day one.

Kirsten says it is surreal being in the house. Jag likes Reilly, he gets these really good vibes from her, she has a lot of positive energy. Red and Cameron are bonding, Cameron calls himself the space cowboy and Red the space hillbilly. Nicole thinks Red and Cameron make a hilarious duo.

Jared brings Izzy in the pantry with his mom and lets her know that Izzy knows the truth. Izzy says they are both safe, she has their backs. Cirie’s number one goal is to make Izzy like her. Izzy loves her power, she truly believes she is the only one that knows the truth.

Everyone goes into the living room and tells everyone a little bit about themselves. All of a sudden, the houseguests hear a noise, it is Cory who returns from the nether region and he tells them he has a message, “Cory was carried into the nether region, lucky for him it was only for a short time. Unfortunately, next week one of you won’t be so lucky.”

Cory sees Cirie and he recognizes her and knows her playback. He is starstruck but it is going to beat Cirie if it is the last thing he does.

The houseguests receive a transmission from the Humili-Verse, “Who is brave enough to humiliate themselves by being the first four Have-Nots this season? Who is willing to volunteer?” Jared, Cory, Luke and Hisam volunteer.

There is another message, this one is in the Have-Not room and everyone is there, “For anyone who enters the Humili-Verse Have-Not room, there is only one way to leave. You must spin a dial, enter a contraption and have it kick you a specified number of times. This means anytime anyone leaves the Have-Not room this season, including all the houseguests in there right now.”

Cirie is a little bit worried that Jared is a nominee, she doesn’t want to see him leave week one.

Kirsten is on the block, the only way to save herself is to build an alliance. The first alliance is formed, “Phalanx” by Luke, and it included Matt, Kirsten, Reilly and Jared – but Reilly doesn’t think it is a real alliance, it is night one after all. Kirsten believes the alliance and it is making her feel confident that she can get off the block with her alliances’ help.

Cirie knows she is a target, she just wants to take it one day at a time, focus on the short term. Elsewhere, Kirsten is speaking to Felicia and tries to make her own alliance, a girl power one.

Cirie and Jared chat, he doesn’t trust Kirsten, he tells Cirie that she is playing way too hard and way too fast, it makes him not want to trust her. Jared tells Cirie about “Phalanx,” and it doesn’t give Cirie a good feeling because Kirsten is also trying to make an all girl alliance. Cirie tells Felicia what Kirsten is doing, turns her against the nominee.

The houseguests are called outside for the HOH competition and it is brought to you by the BB Comic-Verse. All the four nominees are not allowed to participate. To be the first HOH, they have to be a super hero. Not only will the HOH be safe for the week, but they will also have to nominate two houseguests for eviction. But since there are four nominees, the HOH this week will have the superpower of removing two nominees from the chopping block.

One at a time, they have to race across the balance beam course and hit their button on the other side to lock in their time. They have to choose their path carefully, because any time they loose their balance or hit the ground, they will have to go back to the beginning and start over again. And, they have to be careful of swinging obstacles along the way. The player who races across the beams and hits their button in the fastest time, will be the first HOH of the season. Reilly wins with a time of 16:03, Jag was second with 16:04.

Reilly is with Jag when Felicia walks in, she wants to talk. Felicia knows that Reilly needs a target, so she tells her about Kirsten, but Reilly was already thinking about Kirsten. Reilly then goes to speak to Cirie and sees there is one common dominator that everyone wants staying on the block.

Cory pleads his case to Reilly, he doesn’t want to go anywhere. Reilly knows who she wants to be her target, she just wants to make sure that the decision she makes is good for her game.

Time for the nomination ceremony. The first houseguest she is taking off the block is Jared, second one is Cory. Felicia and Kirsten are the two that remain nominated for eviction.

Kirsten is shocked, she is in the day one “Phalanx” alliance with Reilly, she feels betrayed. Reilly has one target, Kirsten, because a lot of people alerted her to pot stirring, scheming, and she is not into that. Cirie is thrilled, Jared is off the block, they are in the house together. Felicia on the hand is devasted, but she is not going to let it take her down.



Sebrina Pilcher

Update: 2024-05-27