
Aidan Alexander Dishes on New Movie A Cowgirls Story Celeb Secrets

Our fav teen stars Bailee Madison, Chloe Lukasiak, and Aidan Alexander have all come together for their brand-new movie A Cowgirl’s Story, and Celeb Secrets is getting all the details on the flick thanks to Aidan.

A Cowgirl’s Story follows a 17-year-old girl named Dusty Rhodes (Madison), who goes to live with her grandfather while her parents, both soldiers, are deployed in Afghanistan. Because she is attending a new high school, Dusty makes friends with a group that includes Savannah (Lukasiak), a girl whose father also served in the Army. Dusty convinces her new friends to form an equestrian drill team, but when her mother’s helicopter is shot down in action and goes missing, Dusty’s faith is seriously tested. She must work together with her friends and grandfather to overcome her sorrow and unite the town for a higher cause.

Alexander plays Trevor, who is one of Dusty’s loyal friends. In our Q&A below, Aidan tells us about his audition process, working with his real-life friends, and what he hopes kids will take away from the movie when they watch it.

A Cowgirl’s Story is available for purchase on DVD now.

Celeb Secrets: Can you tell us a little bit about your movie “A Cowgirl’s Story” and your character Trevor?

Aidan Alexander: “A Cowgirl’s Story is a really cool film all about inclusivity and being the best person you can be. I think that ‘loving thy neighbor’ is a prominent influence in the movie and that’s what makes it so relevant right now. It’s a film about the new girl in town, Dusty, who had to acclimate to having no friends while her parents are deployed overseas. Trevor is a loyal friend and a good guy. I always try to be more like Trevor (laughs).”

Celeb Secrets: Can you tell us about your audition process and how you became involved with the project? What drew you to the role?

Aidan Alexander: “I read the script and instantly thought, “wow this has a lot of positive messages I would love to be included.” I was out of town for work so I sent in a taped audition and the amazing director, Tim Armstrong, called me shortly after and told me I got the role.”

Celeb Secrets: Are you anything like your character?

Aidan Alexander: “I try to be as loyal and supportive to my friends as Trevor is. He is a great guy and I pride myself in thinking I’m alright too.”

Celeb Secrets: What was it like working on set with Bailee, Chloe, and Froy? Any fun memories from filming?

Aidan Alexander: “I knew Bailee and Chloe prior to filming and they are both total gems. Bailee has this inimitable presence about her that sparks creativity. Chloe is so so funny, she seriously made being on set everyday so much fun. I met Froy when I arrived to set and he’s such a cool dude as well.”

Celeb Secrets: What do you think kids should take away from watching A Cowgirl’s Story?

Aidan Alexander: “I hope they take away that you should always be there for the “new” kid or the “different” kid, because you never know what they are enduring and who they are. The movie is all about inclusivity and positivity and staying strong through rough times.”

Celeb Secrets: Since we are Celeb Secrets, can you share a behind the scenes secret that people wouldn’t know when they watch the film

Aidan Alexander: “Chloe is the most graceful person I know (I mean have you seen her on Dance Moms) but she tripped a good amount of times in the scenes where her and Dusty were walking down the hall. It was hilarious, and she was OK, so no stress!!!”

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  • Juliet Schroder

    Juliet is the founder and executive producer/host of Celeb Secrets and Celeb Secrets Country. When not reporting on the latest news in pop culture and country music, she enjoys traveling, spending time with friends and family, watching sports and exploring the latest fashion trends. Juliet holds a B.S. in marketing from St. John's University.


Trudie Dory

Update: 2024-05-29