
5 best Freya skills you need to unlock first in God of War Ragnarok

Eventually, Freya will stop trying to murder Kratos in God of War Ragnarok. As the two work together, she will unlock more and more powerful skills across her three talent trees. While ultimately, you can get these powers, some of them become more potent earlier than others.

While you, unfortunately, do not start off with access to her entire kit, the following abilities should show up early enough to make a major impact on your adventures across the Nine Realms. Freya will have some abilities in common with Atreus, but her kit is separate in God of War Ragnarok.

When considering how to use Freya’s XP, here are five abilities that you should definitely try to focus on first.

Note: The videos in this article contain spoilers for God of War Ragnarok

What are Freya’s most useful skills in God of War Ragnarok?

1) Entangled Grip (Vanir Magic)

Entangled Grip is amazing, and there are many ways to enhance it with further skills. In fact, it’s one of the first abilities you will get access to. After purchasing Entangled Grip I, she will occasionally root enemies, immobilizing them.

Entangled Grip II increases the duration, and if you go further into Entangled Grip III, they even add a Poison status ailment for Kratos to take advantage of. There are going to be times in God of War Ragnarok when you feel completely overwhelmed and Entangled Grip will be sure to help with that.

2) Arrow Empowerment (Archery)

Arrow Empowerment is another early God of War Ragnarok ability. The default ability will increase the status damage your Runic Arrows do, which is completely invaluable. Like Entangled Grip before it, there are several ways to enhance this with further skills.

The second skill further enhances your damage, then it branches into Sonic and Hex arrows. You will ll want to invest in these as you can, to make your arrow types have expanded Area-of-effect fields. If Freya’s going to aid you in battle, you will want to make sure every shot is as devastating as possible.

3) Goddess Aggression (Valkyrie)

In the beginning, Freya’s not especially aggressive. You’re going to want to change that as the waves of enemies increase in both size and danger. If you’re going to have a partner in God of War Ragnarok, you want them to be there for you in the heat of battle.

Goddess Aggression makes her far more assertive while in combat. She will start dashing at enemies with greater frequency, as well as parrying far more often. Then you partner this with the Goddess Focus ability, to give her more specialized abilities in her Ranged Attacks. Goddess Aggression is incredibly expensive, but it’s one of her most important abilities.

The more aggressive Freya is, the more damage she deals, and the faster battles are over, making this God of War Ragnarok skill very vital to players' success.

4) Tendril Slam (Vanir Magic)

What else do you need in combat from your favorite Vanir? Knock-ups, of course! Tendril Slam is connected to the Entangled Grip line of abilities, but it’s probably my favorite of that entire line. Tendril Slam, when it activates, snatches up an enemy, slams them into the ground, and deals high Stun.

The preview for the ability has Kratos knocking a foe through the air, being snatched up, and slammed. That’s an ideal way to use the ability, too. If you want to build stun on your foes, Tendril Slam will make that faster.

5) Sonic Echoes (Archery)

Now that you’ve spent some experience points on your Archery tree in God of War Ragnarok, you will have access to some creative ways to defeat your foes. Perhaps one of the best is Sonic Echoes. A little deeper into the Archery tree, it’s a power you have a great deal of control over.

When you attack enemies afflicted by Freya’s Sonic status, it creates large reverberations, which apply Stun to nearby enemies. Simply swap Freya to Sonic arrows, target the center of an enemy pack, and stun them all. It’s a satisfying ability, especially when foes are clumped together.

All of Freya’s abilities are amazing though. It is important to note that if you can unlock skills like Valkyrie Heart and Arrow Surplus, they will serve you better in the early portions of the game.

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Elina Uphoff

Update: 2024-04-16