
10 Predictions for Newborn Son Rafael Baldwin

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On June 17, Alec Baldwin and his wife, Hilaria, welcomed their second child, Rafael Baldwin into the world.  For months, the couple has been sharing their excitement about their little bundle of joy, and now that he has finally arrived, they are both extremely proud parents who seem to be looking forward to raising their son.  In the wake of celebrities’ children becoming celebrities in their own right, there’s no telling what life has in story for baby Baldwin as the years pass.  Although no one can know for sure, we think we have some pretty good ideas.  Here are 10 predictions for Alec Baldwin’s newborn son, Rafael Baldwin.

He will be an actor

The Baldwin family is undoubtedly one of the most talented and well-known families in Hollywood. The four “Baldwin brothers” have all found success in the industry, and it seems like there’s just something in their genes that allowed them to be talented and creative. There’s no doubt that Rafael will inherit some of these traits, and if he chooses to go into acting it seems like a sure shot.

He will be famous

Whether or not he decides to pursue a career in Hollywood, Rafael Baldwin will likely be famous simply for being a Baldwin.  In the era of celebrities children becoming famous for having famous parents, there’s a pretty good chance that Rafael – who has several famous family members – will become pretty well-known himself.

He will have the best of both worlds

Many people believe that growing up with famous parents can be hard on a child.  Although in many ways it seems like they have everything, they also have to deal with a life in the spotlight, that unlike their parents, they usually didn’t ask for.  However, although Rafael’s father, Alec Baldwin, is a Hollywood hot-shot, his mother, Hilaria, is a yoga instructor who was not famous prior to becoming Mrs. Baldwin.  Hopefully that dynamic will help provide balance in Rafael’s life, and help him see the world from multiple points of view.

He will be rich

This one is a given, in fact, he’s probably already technically rich.  With an estimated net worth of $65 million, Alec Baldwin will definitely be able to provide for his family and still have money left over to make sure that they are taken care of throughout their lives.

He will be good-looking

Okay, so you can never say for sure how a person is going to look once they get older.  There are some people with great genes who end up getting the short end of the stick, and others who didn’t seem like they stood a chance who end up becoming models.  It’s all in the luck of the draw, but let’s just say that the cards are already stacked in baby Rafael’s favor.  With a handsome father and a beautiful mother, it’s kind of hard to picture Rafael not being good-looking.

He will be generous

We’ve already established that Rafael will likely be both rich and good-looking.  While both of those things are usually a recipe for complete selfishness, Rafael stands a chance at actually being a pretty generous person.  His father is actually quite the philanthropist and supports many causes and organizations.  Hopefully the spirit of giving isn’t lost on Rafael, because there’s nothing worse than a self-absorbed rich kid who thinks that the world revolves around them.

The Internet will be seeing a lot of him

Thanks to social media, it is not easier for people to keep track of each other than ever before.  With that being said, sharing photos with an entire world of people is now nothing more than a click or tap away.  Judging by the way Rafael’s mother kept her Instagram followers, up to date during her pregnancy, and the many photos she uploads of her daughter, there’s a pretty good chance that her account will now be plastered with photos of Rafael as well.  This can be both a good and bad thing, but only time will tell how it all pans out.

His parents will be crazy about him

Of course most parents are crazy about their children, and the Baldwins are no different.  Both Alec and his wife love their role as parents, and it’s clear that they’ve been excited about welcoming another person into their family since they first made the announcement.

He will be spoiled

As the youngest and only male child in the family, Rafael will definitely be getting spoiled by everyone around him.  His parents are definitely going to have a hard time telling him no, and his two big sisters will probably grow a soft spot for him as well. There’s nothing wrong with being spoiled as long as it doesn’t turn you into a brat – but there is a good chance that Rafael will grow up to be the annoying little brother.  Sorry kid!

He will be the youngest

As of now, Rafael is the youngest, and it’s likely that it will stay that way.  Baldwin, who is 57-years-old, has a 19-year-old daughter from a previous marriage, as well as a young daughter with Hilaria. At this point, he’s probably looking to settle down and spend time with his family.

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Sebrina Pilcher

Update: 2024-05-20